Base size is "tuikkukynttilä" |
Challenge is to find cheap small enough plastic plants, which can be used as bushes with miniature games. The best time to buy small plastic plants is around easter. During easter there are variety of plastic grass usually available on multime department stores or hobbystores. I still have huge set of grass fields I bought from a Tiimare sale some years ago.
I always try buying from a sale and several good plants I have found from a flea market. Unfortunately Tiimari is no more with us, below some suggestions.
Store locations to find plastic plants:
- Lohikari
- ruohoneliö 1,5e (0% alv)
- ruohopallo 1,9e (0% alv)
- kaktus, 1,3 metrinen kaktus peliin taustalle tuomaan tunnelmaa
- Plantagen
- Hobbypoint, upper floor
- Aqvariums shops
From internet there are several which offer free shipping like Everest model suggested earlier by Mazikainen.
- Everest model
- Aliexpress, try search for model trees or scale model trees
- Palm trees
- Bambua, näitä pitäisi tilata itse